


Accommodation will be in the two four-star hotels in the complex, the Highland and the Morlich Hotels.



The cost of all hotel rooms will be £155 B&B per room per night for double occupancy and £112.50 per night for single occupancy.Payment is required in full at the time of booking. To book, click here. This defaults to two nights, if you are only staying one night please adjust the arrival/departure date. If you are booking by phone, please dial 01479 815100 and tell reservations it's for the Rotary conference.

If you wish to stay an additional night, the cost for a double room on Thursday 21st or Sunday 24th is £130. There is no change in the single room price. You will need to phone reservations on the above number for this, it can't be booked online.

There are also a number of three-bedroom Highland Lodges, sleeping 6, available. These can be booked directly with the Centre by contacting Jodie Baxter at

Please note cancellations made within 14 days or less will be liable to full payment.



Click here to go to the booking site, and select Macdonald Morlich or Macdonald Highlands Hotel. If telephoning to book, call 01479 815100 and tell reservations it's for the Rotary conference.